Develop a strategic business plan

Tesoro Business Services

By: Bernadette Alvarado

Develop a strategic business plan. Tesoro Business Services goal is to be a focal point for small businesses to help scale any business challenge and be a community liaison to empower businesses to become financially solvent. As I have established my business, I have encountered obstacles as a small business owner, access to capital, and sometimes the lack of financial education has created obstacles as well, also knowing what questions to ask and knowing where to look for assistance.

Help businesses

My objective is to help businesses with their administrative and organizational skills.  One way to provide support and helpful tips for any new business are the following:

  1. Create Brand Personality. What are the characteristics and properties of your business? How do people relate and how does that make your business valuable?
  2. Develop a strategic business plan, organizational structure, and operational support systems. Your strategic business plan is the blueprint of your business that includes your business concept, values, and mission statement.  Organizational structure are your policies and procedures that allow your business to run correctly.  Operational Support Systems are your day-to-day structure and tasks like business meetings, or tracking cash flow, allowing you to grow your business.
  3. Avoid common mistakes. Not taking into account overlooked costs could lead to not utilizing your resources or throwing your budget out-of-whack buying things you don’t need.
  4. Become connected to the community.  Customers love to support businesses that they see give back to the community, through nonprofit volunteer work, and city clean-up efforts.
  5. Get organized.  One of the hardest things for business owners is organizational skills and time management skills.

Protect your business

  1. Protect your cash flow. Adjust your expenses, accelerate receivables collections, extend your payables schedule, adjust inventory levels.
  2. Obtain Credit Availability and Management. Unfortunately, there will be an instance where you will need to obtain a line of credit for your business due to emergencies or when you need to bridge a short-term gap between receivables and payables because of seasonality, inventory enlargement, or business growth.
  3. Proper Protection for your business and personal assets. Let’s sit down and discuss your business protection needs such as general liability, worker’s compensation, commercial property insurance.
  4. Bookkeeping. One of the most important aspects of any business is the ability to keep clear and concise financial records.  Keep personal and business separate.

También puedes leer: Tesoro Business Services

Administrative process

These are just a few items that Tesoro Business Services specialize in.  Let’s sit down and analyze your business administrative process to give back your most valuable asset, your time. Every business owner is unique just like their business and we can tailor our services to your business needs.

Upcoming Event:

Free Financial Literacy Workshop-English
Monday, May 16, 2022, 6:00 pm
641 N. 10th Ave Suite 1, Tucson, AZ 85705
Please RSVP at 520-612-6427
so that I can provide a financial workbook.

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