2020: Be Heard, Be Counted and Recycle By Richard Fimbres

I hope the first month of 2020 has been a good one for you and your family. I want to thank the good citizens of Ward 5 and Tucson for giving me the opportunity to serve as your Ward 5 Council Member, continuing the work on the Renaissance of Ward 5 and the
South side.

It has been a pleasure serving with my colleagues on the Council, working on the issues at hand to make our community a better place to live, work and raise a family.

This past year I have also enjoyed working with and watching the neighborhoods and businesses in Ward 5 and the City of Tucson continue to grow and thrive. The work continues to bring Tucson through the dark economic tunnel that we’ve been in since the Great Recession.

When I was sworn into office in 2009, I got the message voters sent in terms of what was needed: reforming city government, economic development and creating jobs.

During my time as your Ward 5 Councilmember, more than 10,000 jobs have been created in Ward 5 and the Southside, more than 5,000 alone in 2018.In 2019, Ward 5 saw the second expansion at Raytheon (1,000) jobs, the opening of the new GEICO Regional Headquarters (2,800 jobs), the expansion at Alorica Pharmaceutical (200 jobs), the completion of Home Goods Distribution Center’s hiring (a total of 1,175 jobs), plus the Brake Max (15 jobs) to name several of the business opening and expansions in 2019 More businesses are opening and more opportunities for the good
citizens of Ward 5 and the City of Tucson.

Proposition 101, the Roads, Police and Fire program continues, repairing our roads and getting police the fire equipment and facilities needed. Ward 5 and the good citizens of Tucson approved Proposition 407, the Parks Bond Measure and in 2020, improvements to park facilities across our city have begun with the first project being the Buffalo Soldiers Memorial at the Quincie Douglas Center This past year, my work and efforts were recognized by the Tucson Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Chicanos Por La Causa
and the GSAAC.

Next month, the Tucson Urban League is honoring my work with their Drum Major Award. I am honored and humbled over these recognitions, for which the best reward is helping a Ward 5 resident to live, work and raise a family. A lot has happened in Ward 5 this past year and in 2020, we need to make sure that we are heard and counted. The 2020 U.S.

Census will take place and we need to take part and fill out the questionnaire. Tucson lost $64 million in federal funding because we had an undercount of the population. This cost are city in many ways and we can’t do that again. So in 2020, be heard and be counted. Also in 2020 is an election for many political offices. In 2020, be heard, be counted, be registered and vote.

I want to thank my staff, Mark Kerr, my Chief of Staff, Lupita Robles, Mary Kuchar and Gabriel Holguin for their work and commitment. I have a great team at Ward 5 and am glad they are there to help me. I also want to thank the Mayor and Council and the City Manager and staff for their work to help make Tucson a better place to live, work and raise a family.

I want to thank you all again and hope you and your family have a great 2020.

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